Circle S Seeds
Alfalfa Products

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FSG 229CR alfalfa is a highly persistent, rhizomatous alfalfa specialized for utilization in dry land pastures. As the alfalfa stand matures, rhizomes develop forming new crowns which increase stand density. FSG 229CR excels in both hay and pasture type production and expresses a branch rooted trait that allows the plant better tolerance to wet soil conditions.
FSG 329
FSG 329 alfalfa was selected for yield, persistence, nematode resistance and disease resistance so that it will produce even under adverse environmental pressures. FSG 329 is the workhorse of the FSG alfalfa lineup and is adapted throughout the Western, North Central and Eastern United States. Forage quality is enhanced due to FSG 329’s high multifoliate expression and is a great choice for commercial hay, beef and dairy producers.
FSG 426
FSG 426 alfalfa is the leader in alfalfa performance with an outstanding trait package that raises the agronomic achievement bar to the next level. FSG 426 performs well over a wide range of environmental conditions and is adapted to all areas where 3 and 4 fall dormancy varieties are planted. FSG 426 features high resistance to Aphanomyces Race 2, scoring a Wisconsin disease index rating of 35/35. Whether it’s for exceptional forage yields, superior forage quality or very fast recovery after cutting, FSG 426 is the first choice for commercial hay, beef and dairy producers.
FSG 450
FSG 450 alfalfa is the leader in alfalfa performance with an outstanding trait package that raises the agronomic achievement bar to the next level. FSG 450 performs well over a wide range of environmental conditions and is adapted to all areas where 3 and 4 fall dormancy varieties are planted. FSG 450 features the UtraCut™ alfalfa disease package which helps you grow a healthy alfalfa crop in field conditions susceptible to evolving Aphanomyces and Anthracnose disease strains. Its protection can help deliver an advantage through improved agronomic performance and yield potential. Whether it’s for exceptional forage yields, superior forage quality or very fast recovery after cutting, FSG 450 is the first choice for commercial hay, beef and dairy producers.
Fall Dormancy : 4.0
Winter Survival : 2.0 (Very Good)
Root Type : Tap
Recovery After Cutting : Very Fast
FSG 423ST alfalfa was selected for persistence and high forage yield from parent plants growing in the saline soils of the northern Great Plains. Due to its tolerance to saline soils, branching/tap root system, and great disease resistance package, FSG 423ST produces high quality, fine stemmed hay and tolerates variable soil types. FSG 423ST is adapted to the Great Plains, North Central Region and the winterhardy Intermountain Region of the United States. Not just for saline soil conditions, FSG 423ST alfalfa is an excellent choice for any area where a high yielding, superior forage quality alfalfa variety is desired.
FSG 408DP alfalfa has been bred for deep set crowns with 61% of the crowns 1 to 1 1/2 inches below the soil surface. The deep set crown trait helps insulate the crown in severe winter weather and protect the crown from animal and equipment traffic. This versatile variety is ideal for 3 to 4 cut management systems where wheel traffic is a concern or for intensive livestock grazing year after year. With high hay yields, great forage quality and an excellent disease and insect resistance package, FSG 408DP gives you the flexibility to optimize your management decisions.
FSG 527
FSG 527 alfalfa with its superior combination of high forage yield potential, very fast recovery after cutting, superb forage quality and stand persistence is ideal for commercial hay growers or dairy producers using an intensive cutting management schedule for areas with longer growing seasons. FSG 527 is adapted to all areas where fall dormancy 4 and 5 alfalfa varieties are planted.
428RR is one of the latest generation Roundup Ready® Alfalfa varieties that lets you produce cleaner, higher quality alfalfa for greater profit potential. The simplicity and improved crop safety of using one herbicide with the widest window of application available, enables you to be in control instead of Mother Nature. 428RR Alfalfa performs well over a wide range of environmental conditions and is adapted to all areas where 3, 4 and 5 fall dormancy varieties are planted. 428RR Alfalfa features a Wisconsin disease index rating of 30/30, high multifoliate leaf expression for improved forage quality, a winter survival rating of 1.0 and germinating seed salt tolerance. Whether it’s for great forage yields, superior forage quality, or very fast recovery after cutting, 428RR Alfalfa is the choice for commercial hay, beef and dairy producers who want to take advantage of Roundup Ready® Alfalfa technology.
438RR alfalfa lets you produce cleaner, higher quality alfalfa for greater profit potential. The simplicity and improved crop safety of using one herbicide with the widest window of application available enables you to be in control instead of Mother Nature. 438RR alfalfa performs well over a wide range of environmental conditions and is adapted to all areas where 3, 4 and 5 fall dormancy varieties are planted. With high resistance to Aphanomyces Race 2, 438RR alfalfa features a Wisconsin disease index rating of 35/35 and is also resistant to stem nematodes. Whether it’s for great forage yields, superior forage quality or very fast recovery after cutting, 438RR is the choice for commercial hay, beef and dairy producers who want to take advantage of Roundup Ready® Alfalfa technology.
Fall Dormancy : 4.0
Winter Survival : 2.0 (Very Good)
Root Type : Tap
Recovery After Cutting : Very Fast
Northern hay producers have special needs and practices, including the need for high–yielding, long-standing dark green alfalfa. An alfalfa with top disease and pest resistance for both irrigated and dry land production. An alfalfa with exceptional plant health and winterhardiness for long-lasting stands of high quality alfalfa. Here’s why Surpass deserves a place in your alfalfa management program:
Surpass produces top yields of high quality hay.
Take a close look at Surpass. It looks good in the field. You can see outstanding nutrient value and high quality in Surpass rich, dark, green color. And what looks good in field’s, produces top yields.
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Circle S Seeds
14990 Madison Frontage Rd., Three Forks, MT 59752
Phone: 406-285-3269 | Fax: 406-285-3040
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